Mega Update: February 2006

It’s time for another mega update!  Let’s see…

I took Steph up to Indian Rock in Berkeley to watch the sunset on Valentine’s Day.  It is literally a big … rock.  Anyway, there were only a couple of other couples there, and a friendly guy who offered to take photos for us, so it was quite nice.  The way to drive there even confused my GPS, but it’s one of those experiences you never forget once you figure out how to get there the first time.  Our choice of a romantic dinner to eat as we watched the sunset was sushi.  =]  Everything was super, until the sun actually set under the horizon.  Then it very quickly got very dark and very very cold.  We tried to brave it out on that big rock in the dark with our ever-chillifying sushi, but after about five minutes, we decided to move our romantic takeout dinner to the car.  Afterward, we watched The Notebook, which I had correctly guessed that she’d want to watch on this very night.  =]

Some time in January, I decided to take the Jones Soda Holiday Pack Challenge.  Basically, Jeremy’s friend Ian claimed that Jones Soda’s Brussel Sprout soda was the most disgusting soda EVER and that he would pay anyone $20 to drink half a glass of the stuff.  Then he expanded his claim to say that ALL of the Jones Soda Holiday Pack flavors were disgusting (with Jeremy’s agreement), but that he only had $10 to bet that nobody could down all of them.  Well, now that pride and money and a drink was involved, I think you can conclude how this story ends.

So, basically, Steph and I took on Ian’s challenge, and started ordering the lineup.  First we’d start with cranberry, then wild herb stuffing, then pumpkin pie, then turkey & gravy, finally to be topped off with brussel sprout soda, which Ian and friends stayed at least 10 feet away from so that they wouldn’t fall victim to its powerful aroma.  (I suspect I got the order mixed up due to some of the odd chemical reactions which occurred in my body after I started drinking the sodas, as demonstrated by the involuntary convulsions which plagued my body thereafter.)  Anyway, I’m happy to say that I got the 10 dollars, but that Steph did not make it.  Sigh.  There’s always next year.

At the end of January, Steph and I actually met up with Pastor Mike from my church, for about as close to a pre-engagement counseling session as I think we’re going to get.  It was quite fun chatting with him and filling him in to what we’ve been thinking about, etc.  I think Steph and I both walked out of there feeling quite good about where we were at.  I really liked how Pastor Mike gave us a few clues about the kinds of things we might talk about in pre-marital counseling.  Some people think that asking the pastor what questions he’s going to ask us is kinda like cheating, but I like being prepared.  =]

I’ve been working hard on my portfolio for the Multimedia Master’s program.  (I keep getting it mixed up with Masters of the Universe, but I digress.)  I think I sat in this seat at Meyer more than I slept in my bed this past month.  But yay, I’m pretty much done with my project, so it’s just about ready to be burned on a DVD and shipped off to Hayward.  Then I just get to sit and wait to see whether they want me.  =]  In case you’re actually curious of what I’ve been working on, you can check out My Video Portfolio.

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  1. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting! 🙂 Tell me when it’s official. 🙂 BTW, that’s the best picture from the Jones soda experience – whoever took the picture caught Steph’s opinion of that stuff perfectly! And you look pretty pained too!

  2. hahahaha!  bro, you crack me up!  but i’m soooo excited for you guys!  cuz this means i can live vicariously through steph and help her plan you-know-what 🙂  nope, cuz helping grace plan her you-know-what just isn’t enough for me.  i’m like a you-know-what planner on crack.  hahaa

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