Kenya Photos: Gritty Edition

This week, I have some photos to show you the grittier (and quirkier) side of our Kenya trip.  These probably won’t make it out to any of our official newsletters!

We decided to share some international love in Nairobi by writing “Wash Me” in as many languages as possible on the side of a dirty bus very similar to the one we would ride for the next 6 hours into Garissa.  Only the people who can read Korean will be able to figure out why Eddie is laughing at his own handiwork.  =]

Dorothy said this scene at the pit stop between Nairobi and Garissa really broke her heart (and no, she insists she is not a crazy cat lady!).  How many stray cats do you see in this photo, threatening to scratch my eyes out if I get too near their wheelbarrow of rotting food?

I was up at 4AM to spend a little quality time with the MacBook in preparation for the talk I was supposed to deliver with Steph at a local church that morning.

Eddie and I were perpetually fascinated by the roadblocks at the police checkpoints we passed through everyday, kept there to prevent Somali refugees from making their way into Kenya.  Luckily, none of us Asian folks looked like we had been in Somalia recently.

Morning snack time at the school. It must be lonely being in the minority.

Our entire team gets busted in Garissa. Or … maybe we’re deep in prayer. Or we’re putting up the fence the blew over during the last flood. One of those is true.

This woman must be the keeper of the gardens.  She was amazing, never budging an inch from her post for hours on end. With steely resolve, she watched over … oh wait, I think she’s a scarecrow.

Want some beef?  Come to the Super Butchery!  Most of my teammates could only stay about 30 seconds before they had to leave the stench of the grisly scene, but for some reason I don’t recall being bothered at all.  And I wish I had a video of the butcher hacking away at the carcass with a machete and an ax.

Out in the Bush, you don’t see a whole lot of trash cans and recycling bins.  Okay, I don’t think I saw any.  So if you have some garbage, you can just hold on to it.  And if you don’t want to do that, then I guess you can do what the locals do and “just barn it”.   This photo depicts my “definitely not in California anymore” moment of the trip.

Faceoff: Ken vs. Mike.  I think there’s a clear underdog here.

These were the crazy annoying Acacia thorns that littered the landscape and constantly found their way into (and straight through!) the soles of our shoes.  Apparently, the thorns don’t bother the giraffes at all when they feed on these plants.

This was the saddest little dog I’ve ever seen.  Either that or he was constipated.

This older man was so weak with sickness he could not even make it to the medical camp we set up in his village, so we had to go find him in his grass hut.  Sadly, the only thing the nurse was able to do for him given our limited resources was recommend that he go to town and get some xrays.  Not sure how he can possibly be expected to be able to afford to do that…

I wanted to test out the macro lens mode on my little Canon A650, and what better subject was there than the flies that were everywhere?  I think I spent more time fiddling with the camera than I did eating lunch that day.

You know, they really need to get a break room for the hotel maids.  This was actually not an unusual scene around siesta time; nearly every floor had a sleeping maid.

Our true colors came out whenever Eddie was overwhelmed with sleep.

Zebras and giraffes were not the only things we saw a lot of during our safari…

Hideyo practices some of the effective recovery techniques learned from the hotel maids as we waited for our flight home.

So which set of Kenya photos did you enjoy more?

Kenya Memories: One Month Later

I can’t believe we’ve already been back from Kenya for over a month!   For those of you who haven’t seen any of the photos yet, here’s a selection of favorites memories and photos which I call “The Happy Collection”.  =]

Our team’s first stop was Paris!  We had an eight hour layover en route to Nairobi, so we tried to make the best of it with the French.  All I know is that if I ever end up living in France, I’m going to set up an instant photo booth at this corner near the Eiffel Tower that nobody else seems to have discovered.

We spent some quiet moments in the Notre Dame cathedral, in anticipation of the busy schedule our friend Ken had planned out for us once we arrive in Kenya.

We’re in Garissa, learning about how they dig wells for local villages so the women don’t have to walk several miles daily to get water from the river.  To make the well deeper, they actually lower someone down in the bucket (as shown in the photo) so he can send up bucketfuls of mud from the bottom of the well.

We went to check out the K-8 school that Ken manages.  Here, Steph wins the favor of the preschool kids at the school and they vote to spare her from the lion’s den.

I was deeply impressed by the “graffiti” scrawled on the dorm lockers.  I think these students are accustomed to much more hardship than I was at their age, and their faith in God is also stronger because of it.

This man was sooo happy to receive a pair of new shoes that had been donated by someone at our church.  The next day we totally saw him running around the school with them.  Personally, it was really encouraging to see the direct effect our giving had on someone.

At the school assembly, we were asked to talk about our various careers and why the students must study hard.  =]  Even though I suspect some (if not many) of the students here have never even touched a computer before, I really felt in my element as I shared about my passion for computers and teaching others about technology.

Here we are about to all cram into the back of the Land Rover for a very bumpy ride over the unpaved desert sand into the Kenyan Bush, where we would get to see a very different side of Kenya.  The man in the photo would serve as our medical staff during the trip.

Ironically, our first meal at the pastor’s house in the Bush were these self-heating APack Ready Meals similar to those used by the US Army.  They certainly get plenty hot when you mix the powdered iron, magnesium, salt, and water together!

No sooner was lunch finished that Steph was put to work.  Though she had not planned to provide any optometric services on this trip, we were informed that there was already a line forming outside to see the eye doctor!  We know of at least one older man who walked 10 miles from his own village in the desert heat in order to be seen, so how could Steph refuse?

The rest of us did our best to be useful or at least keep the villagers entertained.  Hideyo set up an impromptu origami workshop for the kids.   One thing I definitely learned on this trip is that it’s good to always be prepared to have something cool to share with others, wherever you may be.

I got to share about my Chinese-American life through photos.  Ironically, I had a number of photos in there which only solidified the Kenyan stereotype that all Asians know kung fu!

Here’s one of the makeshift medical camps that we set up in the Bush to distribute medicine and mosquito nets to the villagers.  Our medical nurse was working nonstop to diagnose problems and write prescriptions, and it was our team’s job to quickly fill the orders!  The medicines included everything from anti-malarials to painkillers to multivitamins.

As the sun set, the medical camp was wrapped up and the projection system was set up to show The Jesus Film, which covers all the basics about the life of Jesus in 2.5 hours to people who have possibly never heard about him before.  I was struck by how much more similar my surroundings were to those of Jesus’ time.  And I got a kick out of seeing a film projector running off of an electric generator in the middle of the desert!

Here is the site of another medical camp that we set up in another village in the Bush.  While they were waiting, the men sat down and had a lively discussion with Ken and Mike about Barack Obama.  (Tip: Regardless of your political outlook, you had best speak well of Obama when in Kenya!)

Kids LOVE seeing themselves in digital cameras… (I obviously didn’t take this photo.  You can tell because: 1: My body is in the background. 2: My body has been beheaded.  3: My camera’s in the picture.)

These were the cutest little sisters at the last medical camp that we set up.  They were also super quiet and well-behaved for the 3 or so hours that we were there.  We later realized they were possibly terrified of our presence.   In the photo, their daddy is trying to convince them that they don’t have to be afraid of the scary man named Hideyo who is offering them paper cranes and trail mix.  =]

One of the last things we got to do in Kenya was to plant 18 trees at Ken’s school.   To our surprise, the heavy-duty work was already done for us by the gardeners — all we had to do was put the little tree in the pre-dug hole, cover it with soil, and water it with the pre-filled water jugs!   Next time we return to Garissa, we look forward to seeing how big the Baylight forest has grown!

That’s all for this long-overdue update!  Stay tuned for the next Kenya post: “The Gritty Collection”!

My Prius Ran Out of Gas

Here’s the extended story on how I essentially paid $276 for what could’ve easily been prevented with a $30 tank of gas:

By early last night, I still had a nasty crick in my neck (the same one that’s kept me at home for the previous two work days), so I decided to go back to my old jujitsu dojo to get some massage and chiropractic work done by a former classmate. After dinner I headed out to catch the tail end of the evening class. According to Google maps, my destination was 40.6 miles and a good 46 minutes away. Had I thought about that harder, I should’ve just concluded that I didn’t have enough time to get there and decided to stay home (which would’ve resulted in a lamer, but way less expensive, story).


Whenever I get in my Prius and turn it on, I get a cool little display that tells me useful information like my average Miles Per Gallon and the number of miles I have driven on this tank of gas. Since the specifications for the car state that the gas tank has a capacity of 11.9 gallons, it seems pretty basic to see that I can get at least (MPG * 10 gallons) miles on a tank before I’m close to needing to fill up (with a good 1.9 gallons to spare).


So, when I got in my car tonight and saw the display read 51.5 MPG and 485 miles on the tank, I figured I could easily get over the San Mateo Bridge before I needed to fill up, and in fact I might even be able to get gas after the massage (as I often tap into the remaining 1.9 gallons of remaining gas). Sure, the Add Fuel indicator turned on, as it always faithfully does after about 9 gallons of fuel consumption, but after having driven the Prius for over 80000 miles, I was pretty sure I had I good idea when it really needed a pit stop. So off I went toward Redwood City, bypassing Shells and Chevrons and Valeros by the dozens with reckless abandon. (The photo is from a roadtrip with my brother in 2006, when we were smart and actually filled up before running out of gas.)


Everything was fine until Mile 504. I was on 880 South and was approaching the 92 junction when suddenly I saw the following very disturbing symbols light up all over my dashboard accompanied by a very disturbing beep tone.

The Check Engine Malfunction Indicator Light:


The Maintenance Required Light:


The Vehicle Stability Control Warning Light:


The Hybrid System Warning Light:


And finally, in case I wasn’t scared yet, the Master Warning Light:


Oh, and the main display screen also had a very succinct and carefully-worded message to explain the situation to me. It reported matter-of-factly, “Problem”.

Okay, this next part of my story is a bit blurry in my mind. As all the indicators lit up, I found myself involuntarily slowing down in the middle of traffic, but honestly I’m not sure if the car truly started losing power on its own or if my feet just completely let up from the gas pedal because I was so shocked by the barrage of warning lights. My car slowly coasted over to the right shoulder of the freeway, and I came to a stop on the gravel patch between the slow lane and the merging onramp.

It was very distracting to sit in the car and try to think clearly as cars zoomed past, making my little car rock back and forth in the slipstream, and evoking uncomforting visions of crazy people rear-ending me without warning. I took off my seatbelt at first, but then thought better of it, and put it back on while simultaneously mumbling a desperate prayer that I wouldn’t end up as tomorrow’s roadkill news.

I called AAA. I gave the operator my account number, but the background noise on her end was very loud (I could hear about 4 other AAA transactions happening in the call center), and she had trouble hearing just about every other thing I said. Then she told me my account was no longer active, which was pretty surprising considering I haven’t even had it for a year. Anyway, I gave her my whereabouts, and she said she’d send somebody, or at least that’s what I heard. I said OK and we hung up. I sat in the dark as cars continued to zoom past, and found myself praying again that this would resolve quickly and ideally not in an untimely death.

About 30 seconds after we hung up, a call came in on my cell phone from a random phone number. I picked it up, and it was the tow truck driver. Strangely, his first question was, “Did you just cancel your request?” Uh, no, I didn’t… “Hmm, yeah, that’s funny. The record here says you just cancelled the request.” I confirmed again that I definitely needed some attention. “Okay, yeah, it didn’t seem like you were moving yet…” And within the next few seconds I heard the tow truck pull up from behind me. Seriously, he arrived on the scene faster than the noodles from TK Noodle. That’s pretty freakin’ fast. And thank God he paid no attention to the cancel request.

He looked in through my passenger window. “Did you try restarting the car yet?” Well, yes, that would be an obvious thing to try, now wouldn’t it? I obliged, and the “Add Fuel” message came on, accompanied by all his indicator light friends. I suggested maybe I needed some gas… “Well, you are entitled to 3 gallons,” he told me. He had me open the gas tank door and he poured in some fuel. He had me try the restart again. “Did the idiot lights turn off?” (Please please please.) Nope. No change. “Well, what will it be? Do you want to be towed somewhere?” the driver asked. Doh, I was almost exactly 20 miles from both Redwood City and Emeryville, and I was pretty sure this was going to cost extra. Sigh… what choice did I have? “Take me home,” I told the driver with resignation. “Guess I’ll have to take this into the shop tomorrow.” On the bright side, God mercifully let me fail before I got onto the San Mateo Bridge. Stalling on the bridge would’ve sucked.

The driver eventually finished loading up my car and we headed toward Emeryville. It bugged me that I had no idea what was wrong, and that I’d probably have to get it taken in to the shop to find out. For some reason, the driver checked something on his display and informed me that the gas wasn’t free after all, since it was determined that I’m not actually a AAA Plus member. (They previously thought I was a Frank So-and-So over the phone, and he had a Plus membership.) Doh, that’s $12 for 3 gallons of gas. Oh well, I guess that’s almost normal. Then he also informed me that only the first 5 miles are free for Basic members. Each subsequent mile is $12/mile. DOH!! I thought about having him just take me to the closest gas station so I could fill up and try again, but since the car didn’t respond to the 3 gallons he put in, what could I expect from a full tank? Sigh, I decided to just eat the cost and had him take me all the way back to Emeryville. I just wanted to go home.

We eventually pull in front of my apartment and he has me sign all this paperwork and pay for the very expensive ride home. He loosened the rigging and then said, “I’ll let you drive it off the ramp” with an air of knowing confidence. Perhaps he thought all the “idiot lights” would surely have turned off by now, and in fact that’s what I hoped too, so I was eager to get in the driver’s seat and try. Arg, they were still there. I backed off the ramp and parked the car and he drove away anti-climactically.

I went upstairs to fill in Steph on the situation and already began planning out the repair schedule for the next day. But I was still curious about what exactly happened, so I dug into a couple of Prius forums to see what other people’s experiences were with these scary-looking indicator lights. Frustratingly, people’s experiences with running out of gas in a hybrid did not seem to follow a particularly consistent pattern, so I finally decided I needed to try one more thing before giving up for the night. I marched back downstairs, intent on driving the car down the block to get a full tank of gas.

And what do you know, by the time I started the car this time, all the indicator lights had turned off on their own, except the Add Fuel indicator, in case I had forgotten. I filled up for $30 at Shell and that was the end of it. I went straight to work this morning and it was fine. I basically just got a $276 tank of gas (and no massage). How’s that for fuel economy?

So what’s the moral of this long-winded story? Feel free to post your interpretation and your own gas stories! =]

Leap Year Rock Band Party

Okay, so nearly a month ago, I had the pleasure of hosting the First (Sorta-) Annual Consultant Leap Year Party for my staff at the Meyer Tech Desk and Multimedia Studio.  With two separate stages of Rock Band playing nonstop for four hours and an additional Wii thrown into the mix on a third projection screen, the Leap Year Party was fun, crazy, and just plain LOUD!

If somehow you’re not familiar with the concept of Rock Band, the plastic guitars and drums are probably looking pretty silly.  Oh well, that’s ok.  =]

Not to be outdone, a girl band quickly formed on the opposite stage.  I think they meant to name themselves “The Outlaw Thugs” but somehow through a series of unintentional keypresses ended up with the name “The Outlaw Hugs”.

If you’ve played before, you can probably relate to the feeling of setting the song on a slightly-too-high difficulty level.  Suddenly, your peripheral vision gets shot, all the notes start to blur, you break out into a cold sweat, your limbs get tingly and numb with stress, and the virtual (and sometimes real) crowd starts booing.  *gulp*

I think the Wii felt (literally) caught in the middle of the action.  I think these guys are just trying desperately to stay entertained until it’s their turn in Rock Band again.  Yay, Wii Golf…

I clearly took myself way too seriously, having practiced for hours in secrecy for this crucial moment of fame.

No party is complete without glowsticks.  And Adobe Lightroom did wonders for this low-light situation.  (Hmm, I just noticed the slight product name change by Adobe…)

We were having so much fun, we completely forgot to set up a massive LAN game in the Studio.  I think some of our resident super-nerds are actually doing their homework on the computers in this scene, despite the noise and chaos.

These two guys were relentless, winning the Most Improved Drummer and Rock Band Longevity Award for playing basically playing all night long.

After the party, some people still hadn’t had enough of the plastic drums and guitars, so I turned one of the meeting rooms in the office into a makeshift practice room.  The soundproofing in there is AMAZING.  With the doors closed, you can’t hear anything going on in here.  (“But what is that constant thumping from the ground?”)

And, alas, after more than 20 people stomped on it for hours and hours, it was bound to happen…

Anyway, best Leap Year Party ever.  See you guys in four years for the Meyer Demolition / Consultant Paintball  Leap Year Party!!