My at-least-1-year-old computer at work was identified last week as one in a batch of Dell GX270 towers that possessed a critical defect with the capacitors in the motherboard. Like clockwork, it started exhibiting serious problems last Friday, and after 5 random shutdowns while I was just typing a document, I just gave up on trying to get any work done. (Yay for me.) Well, it’s Monday and it doesn’t boot anymore, so here I am sitting at a Multimedia PC at Meyer, trying to back up all of the data from my extracted hard drives onto this local computer. In the meantime, I have no web server. Boooo! Sorry, you’ll just have to find pictures of beautiful people elsewhere! =[
Wifi Criminals
Hmm, hasn’t stuff like this been going on for quite a while now? What kind of precedent is this setting? Man charged with stealing WiFi signal
Goodbye, spam!
Just deleted 2477 pieces of spam from my mailbox. Ahh… I especially enjoyed deleting the ones that were dated 10/30/2035. Yes, folks, spam exists in the future.
Neat USPS Facts
If you are receiving mail for the previous resident and do not know their address, simply return the mail piece back to the mailstream (by leaving in a collection box or other mail receptacle) with the notation “Not at this address” marked on the envelope.
If you do know the address of the previous resident mail can be forwarded (or reforwarded) in certain situations, depending on what the mail is:
* First-Class Mail® items
o The address (but not the name) may be changed and the mail reforwarded as many times as necessary to reach the addressee.
1. Cross out any of the address necessary to be changed.
2. Write the correct address on the envelope.
o The name cannot be changed without a new envelope and new postage.
o NOTE: This does not apply to PO Box mail. If you have questions about forwarding mail delivered to a PO Box, please contact your Local Post Office™
Friday June 17, 2005
Just pared down that 1.5 GB Jujitsu album to almost 700 MB! Woohoo!
Somehow, my stingy self finds it nearly offensive that my Entertainment Guide only offers a $12 coupon for Marine World when I can save $20 by just bringing in a Coke can that I pulled out of the trash. (And you can bet that’s just what I did.)
Signed up for a paid MRI scan some time in July. And I get a “picture of my brain” too! Does anybody ever fall asleep inside of the chamber?