Tuesday July 6, 2004

My (long) weekend:

-The only fireworks I saw were the ones that seemed to be igniting just outside my backyard all weekend long (with Kang’s frequent joking-though-slightly-nervous comment, “I *hope* that was a firework…”)

-Green Library at Stanford now loans out a vast collection of Xbox, PS2, GameCube, PC, and other classic consoles’ games.  I don’t know of any other library in the world that does this, especially under the purpose of “academic research.”  Then again, I do know someone who got a hefty Undergraduate Research Opportunity grant from Stanford to “basically play a lot of games this summer.”  Life is not fair.  I also started to console myself with this point on Saturday when Kang’s Xbox wouldn’t boot up properly anymore after my Green Library shenanigans.  Luckily, he popped open the hood and got it working again and I didn’t find myself a couple hundred bucks short and the proud owner of a busted Xbox.

-I’ve been reading this short book written by Robert A. Johnson in 1983 called “We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love”.  He starts the book with a bold claim: “Romantic love is the single greatest energy system in the Western psyche.”  I had no idea that the ideal of romance may have first started to permeate Western society as a mass phenomenon as late as the Middle Ages!  He discusses how the stories of “courtly love” celebrated and sung about by troubadours of medieval times may have been a deliberate “secular” continuation of Catharism, a sect declared heretical by the Pope for its worship of the sacred feminine.  (Hmm… sound familiar?)  He suggests that the symbols of romantic love that continue to persist today in the collective unconsciousness were coded references of a different significance for the “insiders” of the time who secretly continued the religious practices of Catharism.  Why do I feel so clueless about symbology?

-I met up with an acquaintance who I don’t think I’ve seen in over two years.  Nostalgic recollections of mutual friends, Cheesecake Factory with really perky and peppy waitresses, spiritual discussions with very different ending points from what I’m used to, walks down University Avenue in search of pearl milk tea and my car, racing against computer players who clearly cheat on the Xbox… I don’t think I’ve done so much with her in the entire past five years since I first met her.  On Orkut.com, I think this qualifies for upgrading her to “Friend” status.  =]

-I spent $300 to replace all the tires on my ’94 Honda Civic so that my potential buyers will stop talking smack about my car and its wheel alignment.  I don’t remember the last time this little car has driven down the road so straight and true.  I definitely took it down stretches of 101 without any hands, and it was totally fun, though probably totally illegal.  Now with these brand-spanking-new tires, it’s tempting to keep them for myself…

-*Somebody* made some silly impulsive bets with me as a result of her over-confidence in her own little private delusions about how the world really is, and now she owes me big.  And no, you can’t just pick your nose when nobody is looking.  That does *not* count.  When you make a bet that there’s “either a stop sign at Norton Avenue or … or else I’ll pick my nose!” it’s *implied* that you can’t just pick it in the privacy of your own home.

-I watched Startup.com (about the rise and fall of the Internet startup, GovWorks.com, which does not exist anymore) and Adaptation (a neat little twisted movie that I did not despise the way I despised Being John Malkovich for some strange reason buried within the recesses of my unconscious mind).  I think I would recommend Startup.com to people who like the Discovery Channel, and Adaptation to folks who liked Memento.

Friday July 2, 2004

Don’t you just hate it when you stumble upon what seems like an original idea and then you discover someone else already did it?  For example, an anti-claustrophobic porta-potty whose walls are made of one-way mirrors, so you can see who’s around you while resting in the privacy of the chamber.  I remember trying to recreate this effect in my cube when I first moved in, but it didn’t work for some reason… people could see into my cube, but I could barely see out.  =I  I started calling it The Cage and had to take down my “one way glass” after about two days.


Another fun word website: http://www.wordspy.com/

Now I can use these trendy terms with confidence: mobile speed bump, furkid, drink the Kool-Aid, crackberry, information environmentalism, nanopublishing, biostitute, jump the shark, undecorating, bridezilla, manscaping, carbon neutral, butt call, egosurfing, spim, IMS.

And if you want to find a way to get your old email into Gmail, try http://www.marklyon.org/gmail/ (Warning, may not be for the faint of heart!)

Monday June 28, 2004

Ahh, another Sunday evening alone at Meyer…

Went to Seacliff State Beach in Santa Cruz yesterday with Baylight.  Hanah and Eddie were there at 7:30 AM to reserve tables for our 12:30 PM party.  Wow.  I ate a disturbing amount of meat, caught one really good wave on the bodyboard and got *destroyed* by all of the the subsequent waves, lost my disposeable contacts that I had been wearing for a good 6 months now (I am going to get in the Guinness Book of World Records for *something*, dang it), squinted pathetically for the rest of the afternoon, had sand coming out of my nose and ears courtesy of Grant, and got toasty and sunburned on a large rectangular portion of my back that I couldn’t reach by myself.  (It doesn’t hurt that much… really.)  Then had great fun discovering our intertwined network of friends from high school, featuring the spectrum of old flames to deadbeat prom dates.  =] 

Speaking of contact lenses (oh, were we?), anyone have good tips about how NOT to lose my contacts every time I’m near a body of water, whether it’s a pool, ocean, or probably even a bathtub?  Yeah, I know, I should’ve changed out those two-week disposeables a while ago, but I figured that they were gonna get taken away from me involuntarily at some point anyway, so why chuck ’em, especially if I’m not going going blind after 6 months?  Yeah…   Brian and Flora and probably some other people who are happily contact-free and I just don’t know it — I am so jealous of you and your stupid Lasik.

Confirmed my plans to go to Hong Kong and Singapore for a very brief 1.5 weeks of wedding attendance and vacation.  Speaking of weddings, one of my friends from my home church just sent out surprise wedding announcements for this July (aww, while I’m gone).  She’s … 20?!  Wow, I think that beats out the youngest married couple I know from Baylight.  Speaking of vacation, what’s the point of flying over a thousand miles to “get some R & R?”  Anyone have suggestions of what to cram into my puny 3-day vacation in S’pore?   Speaking of S’pore, do all of their models possess such amazing powers of balance and mannequin-likeness?

Definitely have had a craving for some liquid nitrogen ice cream since I missed the free stuff last Thursday at the nerd get-together at the Physics building…