Monday June 21, 2004

Oh man, I think I finally caught up with Xanga entries that I’ve subscribed to.  It’s probably weird because I tend to work backwards whenever I get behind, so I’ve commented on entries from weeks ago even though I suspect the author has long forgotten about them (or at least, has long given up hope of receiving further comments about them).

Stanford graduation pics are up. is ready to serve.  Let me know if you have photos to share!  I like hosting them.  =]  I’ve opened up new AIM, ICQ, and MSN Messenger accounts for the sole purpose of receiving incoming photos.  Speaking of which, I’ve been pondering the possibility of starting a pure photo blog.  Doesn’t that seem fitting?

I “accidentally” posted my ’94 Honda Civic LX for sale on before I was ready to, and already I have three people interested in checking it out.  Oops.   Silly Send button.

By the way, I got another 5 invitations to Gmail.  Anyone?  Anyone?

Friday June 18, 2004

Finally went to the infamous Hing Lung restaurant last night in SF!  I love jook (or I guess “congee” though I know not the origin of this peculiar word), and this place makes plenty of it.  We were sooo hungry by the time we got there that Kate totally went all out and ordered a crazy-endless-food-coma-inducing feast!  Unfortunately, we made so many twists and turns in the car once we got to SF that I have no idea how I will ever find my way back to this tasty restaurant.  (Or maybe that was the point, so as to protect the secret location of Hing Lung.  Very sneaky, Kate.)