Thursday June 10, 2004

Finals are over, Meyer library doesn’t open until 1 PM, there’s no consultant on duty, and the sun is out, but desperate students are still finding ways to sneak into the Multimedia Studio to finish their crazy video projects this morning!  Will the madness never end?

Rumors hold that there were at least two sketchy non-students working on high-pressure video project deadlines in the Studio until 3 AM in the morning last night!  What’s up with that?!?

By the way, I finally found the “official” way to make copies of homemade DVDs on a Mac that actually works.  Sweet!!

Tuesday June 8, 2004

If you have extra Stanford Dining points / drinks / snacks that you just don’t know what to do with, please help me restock my cube!  Thanks for your kind donations: Sungwoo, Eddie, Matt, David, and random anonymous person who donated a 24-bottle pallet of Go Bananas (TM) Snapple to me!  I will be happily hydrated and potassium-boosted this summer.  =]  YES!

Aw, wait — Go Bananas (TM) Snapple doesn’t seem to actually contain any bananas!!  Aww… no potassium for me…

Monday June 7, 2004

Got my Stanford Hospital security badge today!  The photo on it seems to portray me with a sickly green tint.  Fantastic.  The patients I visit will take a look at my half-dead photo and feel better already.  I thought it was cute that all the hospital dogs that visit the patients also have little photo ID badges.

Also got my TB skin test.  It was strangely fascinating to watch the bubble of mystery serum bulge just under my skin as the nurse injected it.  Kinda gross, but fascinating nonetheless.  One of these days, maybe I’ll work up the nerve to watch myself receiving stitches.  That is, presuming I need stitches again some day.  I think the first and last time I’ve needed stitches in my short life was that time I ran through a glass door in Hong Kong.  Luckily, I blacked out and have absolutely no idea what happened afterward.

Sunday June 6, 2004

My email inbox has mysteriously climbed back up to 1714 messages (999 unread) again.  How did this happen?!  Just seemingly weeks ago, I remember celebrating the success of having finally sorted through the whole pile (all 5000 or so messages) into folders and reducing the Inbox to less than 10 messages.  I think I need one day a week where I don’t have to do anything else at work except read, reply to, and sort email.  What am I even doing in Meyer today, replying to email?!

Went to my first brown belt class today for jujitsu.  WOW.  I am SO glad they changed the time to 2 PM so I can go.  Friends, go get your brown belts right now and join this class.  (No, I actually don’t get paid to say these things.  Honest.)