Had a Parable of the Lost Coin moment this morning. Lost a *very important* document that I really needed very badly (well, one of those documents that I *personally* know I need badly, though probably nobody else would think I need it). This was an especially lousy time to lose track of it considering that I need it for my revision of my Job Description and the subsequent Performance Evaluation (an especially bad time to use “Um, I think I lost it” as an explanation). Well, after riffling through stacks and stacks of papers, and thinking, “How could this happen? Of all the organized and filed-away papers I have, this sheet was by far the most well-organized and filed-away papers I have!!”, growing more desperate, and riffling through the same volumnous stacks over and over again as I questioned my vision, memory, and sanity, I found it! (Right where I knew it was all along, of course.) YES!!!
I am so ready for lunch.