Want *your* 2 GB of email? http://www.aventuremail.com/
Clearly, this is getting out of control. =P Makes me wonder how much space they actually have allocated, considering that most people may never even reach the 1 GB mark.
Random thing I learned at tutoring yesterday: one Merriam-Webster definition of the adjective “academic” : “having no practical or useful significance”
hey kenneth! itwas good to see you at senior sendoff yesterday even though i didnt get a chance to personally say hello =)
I haven’t decided on the digital camera yet. You got any recommendations? =)
Oh and, I never got a chance to talk to you at senior sendoff about you thinking of visiting Singapore. You got any specific plans? You could totally stay with me (wherever I specifically end up =). Actually, my parents are going to buy me a futon or something for my apartment so when THEY come to see me, they can have something to sleep on. So, I should have no trouble hosting visitors. =)